Successful completion of the Lafcarr sirens functioning test to notify the population in 33 dams in Galicia

Successful completion of the Lafcarr sirens functioning test to notify the population in 33 dams in Galicia

Successful completion of the Lafcarr sirens functioning test to notify the population in 33 dams in Galicia 1152 768 Lafcarr

The test of the operation of the warning sirens to the population of a total of 33 Galician dams, carried out between 9:00 and 16:30 this Tuesday, has ended successfully.

In total, as reported by the First Vice Presidency of the Xunta, more than 70 sirens have sounded located throughout the territory and attached to the Albarellos, As Conchas, As Guístolas, Baíña, Brandariz, Belesar, Caldas, Casoio, Castrelo dams. Chandrexa, Cenza, Frieira, Montefurado, O Bao, O Con, Os Peares, Peñarrubia, Portas, Portodemouros, Prada, Pumares, Río Cobo (Collado and dike), Salas, San Cosmade, San Martiño, San Pedro, San Sebastián, Santa Eulalia, Santo Estevo, Sequeiros, Touro and Vilagudín.

Likewise, as of 10:00 am, the warning sirens assigned to the external emergency plan of Alcoa’s mining waste deposit in Xove have been activated.

For the test we have had the collaboration of the owners of the infrastructures: Alcoa, Endesa, Iberdrola, PHG and Naturgy); as well as members of Civil Protection of the affected municipalities, and of the Miño Sil and Augas de Galicia Hydrographic Confederation.

The Xunta recalled that in Galicia, there are currently 45 approved dam emergency plans. The objectives pursued with this type of plan is to have defined the strategies to deal with situations that entail a risk of breakage or serious damage, to know the areas that would be flooded, and to have the warning systems in place.

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